Glass Perspectives: A Celebration of Glass & Glass Concepts
To celebrate the International Year of Glass with museums and galleries around the world, we at Newburyport Art held a series of three glass-themed exhibitions in 2022. Glass Perspectives: A Celebration of Glass & Glass Concepts is the culminating exhibition of the series and our largest themed exhibition of the year, showcasing a wide variety of glass forms, the physical material and glass art, as well as associations, subjects, and ideas of glass in other media. I staged the exhibition throughout all three galleries and both levels of our building. Studio glass art in many forms and techniques is represented, as well as work from artists of various media and disciplines to show multiple perspectives of glass. The resulting exhibition highlights the many functions that glass serves in society and the beauty inherent in the material properties and associations with glass. Everyone is familiar with glass and has access to glass; the show ties in beautifully to Newburyport Art’s mission of accessibility. Over 60 artists are participating in this exhibition — most from the New England region, with some from around the country and a few from overseas, making it also the first international exhibition in the organization’s history! Visit our galleries or take a look at our online galleries.
Left: Hansel and Gretel (Joseph Cavalieri, USA); Center: Three Muses (Wayne Strattman, USA); Right: Plasma Hyacinths (Cary Rapaport, USA). Image: Lisa Naas