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Overview of Solo Works (2008–present)

Themes of the body—with gesture, emotion, or sense—are almost always present in my work, especially in my solo projects, but also in collaborations. (This includes 'Makers Marks' and the 'Sorrows' projects, where my collaborators and I tried to make glass more approachable and even touchable through interactive technologies.) My work takes on a variety of forms, from sculpture to installation to film to hand-bound books, and while glass is always a primary medium, I choose the processes and format that best express the project concepts. Many fall into one of four strands—'The Body Projects', the 'The Glass Lace Project', 'Artist's Books', and 'Containment'—which I highlight here and in the pages under 'Solo Works'  . For more details about my creative practice, please visit my creative practice page.  (Images: Lisa Naas) 

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